Waiting, waiting, waiting

I am waiting for school to be done.  Why is it that the months roll by so fast, then when we get to the last three weeks of school time crawls by so slowly?  Really! I can’t stand it anymore.  I don’t know how my kids can be okay with the slowness of time.  I just want to get outside and have some fun.  And very little scheduling, very little.  I even balked at the idea of scheduling another camping trip, but we’ll be going anyway.  For two nights, midweek, because the tall ships are coming to our area and it would be nice to watch them sail into port.

I bought plants on Sunday for the front flower garden.  The chamomile that I planted last year didn’t make it through the winter.  The yarrow looks pretty sparse too.  Two more of my Jacob’s ladder plants bit the dust, a Columbine gave up the ghost and one of my Leopard’s Bane did too.  All in all, more plants are alive than dead, but the ones that went left some major holes in the grand scheme of things.  So, I bought one more Jacob’s Ladder and another Leopard’s Bane, a Columbine and a Cranesbill.  I also bought two more Johnson’s Blue Geraniums, one for me and one for my friend Judi who gave me the spiderwort, chamomile, yarrow, loads of mini irises and a bunch of one plant that we still haven’t identified yet (some day I’ll get on that).  Judi has always liked the ones I have in my garden, they were just never full enough to divide so I bought her one instead.  I also got the Coral Bells plant that I bought last fall into the front garden.  I’m amazed that it survived in a pot in the house that long, but I’m sure that it will do even better in the flower garden.  Now to get them all planted.

I also picked up some annuals for the multiple pots that I have outside as well.  I don’t mind potting up a few annuals.  It’s the thought of planting them in the garden year after year that would make me ill.  For the pots, I have two Mexican Heather plants, 4 six packs of Portulaca (Moss Roses to me), 8 Asparagus Ferns and 1 Snapdragon (a Mother’s Day gift from BooBoo).  The violas that I planted last year are also trying to make a comeback.  Apparently no one told them that they are annuals and should have died out last fall.  Oh well, less to buy I guess.

I will have to find time to plant the garden this spring too.  Hopefully this weekend so that whatever is planted will have enough time to grow and actually produce vegetables for our table.  I have three tomato plants.  I only wanted two, but after I bought them I noticed that one of the containers held two plants.  And of course I only bought two tomato cages, so back to the store I will go.  I also have a buttercup squash plant this year.  My mother keeps saying how good cooked squash is, I’m still on the fence about this and part of me is hoping the rabbits enjoy this plant, only this plant-they can leave the rest alone.

I’m also waiting for the announcement of some new babies.  Shoestring Alley and her husband should be parents any day now.  And Lightening, our daycamp Caddie coordinator is expecting her baby this summer as well.  Time for some busy knitting and/or crocheting.  I can crochet speedily, knitting is more meditative for me.

I’m also waiting to get together with friends on our annual camping excursions.  As well as a troop campout with Ditty’s Scout troop.  It will be good to get outside and have some fun.

Well, the day is nice and the laundry is calling.  Enjoy you’re Memorial Day weekend.

News & updates

My local Girl Scout council has decided to approve the training that I spent the better portion of last weekend typing, at least for the training session that I will be doing mid-April.  They have listened to the volunteers and the volunteers want age level trainings.  Yay! 

Council is also working on a new Cadette/Senior/Ambassador age level training and trying to decide if these should be separate trainings or one combined older girl training as before.  Personally, I vote for one combined training.  I mean really, once you learn to work with girls as they hit that hormonal stage it’s all rather similar for the next few years, just slightly different issues.  And it does get easier, once they get past 8th grade they start to become human again so talking with them is actually possible.

The other news is that after spring break, I will be gainfully employed.  On a part time temporary basis.  But still, since I haven’t held a paying job for the last ten (oh my goodness, has it been that long?) years, this is a nice start.  A friend asked me if I would be interested in answering phones at their office three days a week for about four hours a day.  Yes, I’m interested!  And it will be a lovely way to help out this friend as she is going to be having radiation treatments during that time to hopefully ensure a complete recovery from the cancer that doctor’s found last fall. 

And the Girl Scout cookies have arrived, so I have been busy sorting and bagging Ditty’s cookie orders.  Yes, I know that I should have made her do this since she is fully capable of doing it.  However, it is Lent and she gave up candy this year.  So since looking at all those cookie boxes would have been a bit painful, I did the bagging.  We both went out together and delivered a good portion of them.  We should get more of them delivered on Monday and the vast majority of them will be out of my house by Friday.  With the exception being the large order that I put in for us.  Speaking of which, since most of the varieties that I ordered contain chocolate, we will be eating the non-chocolate ones during Lent so that Ditty can enjoy them with us too.  She seems to be having a visibly harder time with her sacrifice than BooBoo.

Speaking of the little guy, BooBoo gave up television for Lent.  Since he is one who could sit in front of the tube for hours on end watching movies and shows, it really has surprised me at how well he is doing.  He has rediscovered puzzles, plays games (both on and off the computer) and has even taken to reading some of his easier books on his own.  His Legos are well played with and he & DH built the ferris wheel out of the 426 piece erector set he got for Christmas.

I do let the kids have what they gave up on Sundays, but I don’t let them go overboard.  Ditty needs some guidance on how much is too much.  BooBoo on the other hand, as one friend put it is “self limiting”.  He only asks to watch one movie on Sunday (with popcorn) and since he only watches G and PG movies, he only watches about 1 1/2 to 2 hours of tv on Sunday.

The socks are coming along, but since I only get to knit while waiting for BooBoo at the chiropractor lately, they are coming along in short 15-20 minute twice a week stints.

I’d better head off to bed.  Tomorrow is Girl Scout Sunday and I’m sacristan for that Mass.  Good night and God bless.

A picture is worth a thousand words

So here are a few thousand words in photo form:

BooBoo’s sweater is done!  And he has even worn it, though not to school yet.

Tube socks in progress with the leftover yarn.  These will also be for BooBoo although they might be a bit wide right now.

Our lovely meal for the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Well, I’m all talked out now.  Hope you have a great week.

The birthday party

BooBoo was invited to a friend’s birthday party & sleepover last weekend.  It was his first time away from home by himself.  He did fine.  There was no 2 am phone call saying that he was lonesome and wanted to come home.  He was actually bummed to have to leave the party early (8:15am vs 10am) due to a church commitment.

I, on the other hand, didn’t fair quite as well.  I got his stuff packed for the sleepover.  We managed not to forget anything.  As he was putting his suitcase in the van, BooBoo said “It feels like I’m running away.”  I very quickly told him that I would not let him run away.  He then said “I know, that’s because you love me.”  Well, at least he gets that part.  But when we got to the friend’s house and he knew that I would not be there to read to him before he went to bed, the little stinker didn’t want a mommy kiss before I left.

I know he’s growing up and all, but as I said he’s a smart one.  Last night I asked if he wanted a mommy kiss and he said yes.  A very satisfying, whole hearted yes.  The kid knows which side his bread is buttered on, that’s for sure 🙂


I’ve finished knitting BooBoo’s sweater.  Now to weave the underarms, get some buttons and block that puppy!  Then I can take pictures.

I also need to add:  Carol’s cardioversion is scheduled for February 4th, this Thursday.  Please keep her and her loved ones in your prayers!


Home.  I think that is one of the warmest, most nurturing words in the English language.  Amy and Robert have brought their new baby girl home by now.   And even with the other six at home, they are probably enjoying the comfort that only home can give.  The father of BooBoo’s school friend has been able to do day treatments for his cancer and remain home in between times which, I think, is so much more healing to both body and mind than a long hospital stay would have been.  He has also been given the gift of another birthday spent with his wife and kids (and I hope & pray that there will be many more yet to come).  My friend, Theresa, deployed with the Red Bulls to Iraq is on her way home.   They have done some great work, helping the Iraqi’s get a command & communication infrastructure set up so that the Iraqi’s will be ready to resume control over their government, military and police forces and won’t have to rely so heavily on outside help.  This was some of the best news that I received, knowing that she and her family will be together again soon.

I went to the gym yesterday and worked out.  The trainer had me doing pull-ups, dips, push-ups and lat pull downs.  Since I am female, upper body strength is not my forte.  Therefore, today I am recovering from all my aches and pains at home.  Thank you God for the sanctuary of home.  I’ll be back at the gym on Monday for my next session.


BooBoo’s sweater is almost finished!  Just a buttonhole row on the Henley neck band and a few rows more after that.  I can hardly wait to have it off the needles.  I’m sure he has probably forgotten all about it by now, but he’ll be thrilled once he gets to wear it.  Photos will be posted as soon as it’s done, I promise.

A sweater update

I was just over on Ravelry and realized that I haven’t posted an update on BooBoo’s sweater lately.  I have finished the body and the sleeves and managed to get them joined.  Still no pictures though.  Then the cold weather snap forced me to knit this for Ditty.

The Amanda Hat by Gina House aka Sleepy Eyes Knits.  The pattern is available as a free download from www.ravelry.com .  This was a very quick knit given the number of yarn overs needed to complete the lace pattern.  I adjusted the crown decreases to include a round of knit after the knit 1 knit 2 together round.  Then I did a round of knit 2 together to reduce the number of leftover stitches gathered to six.  This closed the top of the hat nicely and didn’t leave a hole that would have needed covering by a pompom (something an 11 year old girl would not have appreciated-being newly fashion conscious and all).  And this hat only used 1/2 of an $11 skein of yarn, so I have enough leftover to probably get a reasonable neck gaiter (tubular knit used to keep the neck warm instead of a scarf with flapping ends) out of the rest.  Two winter wear accessories for $11 is a very good deal.  I did buy three skeins of this colorway (don’t know why-probably because I just love the softness of this yarn and snatch up as much as I can each time I go in that store), so I actually have enough to knit Ditty a real scarf and probably mittens too.  I think I’ll do the mittens first, that way if the yarn is used up quickly I can change my mind on the scarf and just do a gaiter.

By jingo, she really went and did it!

Yes, I joined a gym today.  No more putting off losing the extra weight I gained while pregnant, the baby is now 8 years old.  No more hemming and hawing and hoping the weight will just fall off, it hasn’t yet and it would break something if it did.  My goal is to lose 12 inches at my waistline-must do, and if possible about 50 pounds.  If my hips, thighs, butt and arms get more toned in the process-all the better.  I wouldn’t mind a stronger back and better posture but that might be asking too much at this late date.

I went in to the gym with the coupon we had received in the mail.  I had originally planned to just do the coupon and a month to month plan.  But then I started thinking “What if I drop the plan over the summer?  What would I have to pay to get back in?  And would it really be worth that?”  I have to admit that if I did drop out over the summer, I probably wouldn’t go back.  And that would be bad. . . very, very bad.  I need to lose the inches and the weight to get back a healthy version of me. 

And I want that healthy me!  I want to be around to dance at my children’s weddings (or celebrate their ordination/profession of vows).  I deserve to put my health on the front burner.  After all, if I kick it early, who’s going to take care of the kids, the house and the goldfish?  And who’s going to make sure DH stays healthy too?  The kids can get him to buckle up in the car, but they haven’t successfully lobbied for him to get more exercise yet.  I’m honestly not sure they even think about it.  They are both still young enough to think DH & I are immortal.  Sweet thought, but it’s time to be realistic and get proactive with the exercise plan.  So I’m signed up for an 18 month contract and I’ve got an appointment with a personal trainer on Monday.


BooBoo’s sweater has been put on hold while I quickly knit up a hat for Ditty.  The girl has gotten fashion conscious lately and hasn’t wanted to wear any of the hats she currently possesses.  I’m knitting the Amanda hat from Ravelry for her.  She approved the pattern last night.  Good thing too as I was all the way through the garter ribbing and just about finished with the first twelve rounds of the lace.  I’ll post pics when it’s finished.

The housecleaning plan I posted earlier is still working great.  I got most of the laundry finished yesterday and have just one more load to do tonight.  This after not being home most of the day due to mass, gym tour, adoration, a catch-up on the Epic session I missed due to BooBoo’s strep throat and errands.  So I do get to have a life outside of housework if I just stick to the plan.  WooHoo!

Hello again

Sorry the posting has been so sporadic.  I’ve been running like a gerbil on a wheel the last three days.  I had meant to post another diatribe on an article I read in Parade last Sunday about the “affordability of the American football game”, but decided instead to stop reading Parade.  I think it will do my blood pressure some good to just skip their articles and go straight to the puzzle page.  Numbrix is kind of fun and a little challenging, just right for a few minutes work on a lazy afternoon.

For those of you keeping score, I turned 45 on Monday.  DH & the kids made breakfast on Sunday after mass.  I made the breakfast crisp from Uncommon Grace’s blog.  The pears & pomegranate tasted wonderful together.  With the crisp, the gingerbread pancakes (from a store bought mix) and the bacon, my early birthday breakfast was just right for a cold day.  BooBoo wasn’t as impressed, but he’s only 8 so we’ll give him a few years to develop real taste.

I started knitting a sweater for BooBoo last week.  It’s the same general “pattern” as the one I made for Ditty (Fair Isle Sweater using EPS by Elizabeth Zimmermann), except that for his sweater, I’ve decided to make the Henley neck version.  I’ve got the body done up to the yoke and have finished one sleeve up to where it will attach to the yoke.  I’ve also made a good start on the ribbed cuff of the second sleeve and am quite amazed at how quickly this one is working up.  I might even have it finished by January/early February so that he can wear it yet this winter.

Ditty’s knowledge bowl meets are nearly at an end.  I can’t believe that I was complaining about the season being too short.  I am more ready for it to end than she is, definitely more ready.  Maybe it’s the hustle & bustle of this time of year, but I’m glad the last meet is on Monday and then there will be two less things on the calendar (practices & meets).

We got a slight dusting of snow last night and it is coming down again today, very slight & light, but it isn’t melting much so maybe we will have a white Christmas after all.  I most definitely prefer having snow in winter.  Winter just seems bitterly cold and harsh without snow on the ground.

Well, I’ve ignored the housework as long as I can.  I’ll post pictures of BooBoo’s Sweater when it is finished.

I’m Thinking of Dyeing My Hair. . .

Thanks to the ever idiotic individuals in this world.  Why can’t people just ask “what is it?” when they don’t  recognize a handmade article instead of postulating what it might be and getting it utterly and completely wrong?

I was at Wal-Mart the other day (I know, what did I expect there) and the greeter asked if I was making a return.  I said no, I just needed to bring the hats with me to pick out buttons for the sweaters.  She apparently didn’t hear what I said because she looked at the hats and asked if they were Barbie dresses!

Did I not say that they were hats?  Do I look like I need a blue rinse? 

I would never and I mean never knit clothes for a fashion doll!  I just don’t see a need to knit for something my kids aren’t even interested in playing with anymore.  I didn’t see a need to knit things in that scale when they were playing with them.  I don’t do dolls!  Arrrgh!

But I just explained to her again that they were baby hats and that the matching sweaters needed buttons and then went to the sewing and craft area to see what they had.  I had picked up buttons a week ago when DH & I went to town for a fundraiser dinner, but I wanted to make sure that I had the best buttons for those sweaters so I checked out the selection at Wal-Mart, since that was where I found the monkey buttons for an earlier sweater.  Didn’t find better buttons, but I did find some items for future crafting endeavors.

Oh, and I am definitely not dyeing my hair or getting a blue rinse.  The idiots of the world will just have to get a brain.  Or some common sense.

Edited to add:  If you’d like to see the sweaters in question, here are the pics.


Sweater and hat for Jill & Allen’s baby.


Sweater & hat for Lisa & Jake’s baby (who we now know is going to be a boy).


Folded and ready for wrapping!

Rain! In so many forms.

Sorry for the dry spell of not posting any news/views/assorted mish mash.  It’s been rather busy here lately.  I see we have a new button in the Publish sidebar of wordpress.com titled “move to trash”.  Might have to check that one out on a shorter post or on a major rant.

We have been to one fundraiser already this week.  A concert for our parish’s choir director.  I’m sure she has a better sounding title than that, I just can’t come up with it at the moment.  She’s battling a recurrence of cancer and we pray that her battle is a success.  We have another fundraiser to attend tonight.  A dinner for the brother of a guy that I graduated with who needed a kidney transplant.  The transplant recipient’s college age son was the best match, so the family is not only stuck with paying for what their insurance doesn’t cover for the recipient of the kidney, but for the uncovered costs of the donor as well.  Plus trying to pay for the kid to attend college.  So we will go and eat, and probably bid on some items in the silent auction to help raise money for their family’s medical expenses.

Monday night brought another Knowledge Bowl meet for Ditty.  Again, we traveled north to the hosting school.  Her team did better this time, not good enough to place in the top six, but as there were 30 teams at the meet (six from our school alone) it was a good meet for them.  Two of our school’s 5/6 grade teams placed 2nd and 5th at the meet and our two 7/8 grade teams also placed 2nd and 5th.  A very good showing for our school.

Tuesday brought Knowledge Bowl and basketball practice for Ditty and a Cub Scout Pack meeting for BooBoo.  One of those nights where a superbly syncronized supper comes in handy.  I don’t like having to be spot on with my supper timing but sometimes I have no other choice. 

Wedenesday held the school mass in the morning and adoration at noon. 

Thursday was awash in Knowledge Bowl practice before school, my church history study group, helping in the kitchen, going home for two hours and finishing a baby hat so that I have something to take with me tonight to match buttons for the eventual cardigan that will accompany it, going back to school to drop off Halloween treats for Ditty’s and BooBoo’s classes, basketball practice for Ditty, another superbly syncronized supper, then back to school for a Girl Scout meeting.

Today has been another busy day washing dishes in the school kitchen due to the extra numbers of people who attended grandparents day.  We did manage to get all the adults and students through the line in one hour and ten minutes!  That’s got to be a record for our school, considering that we had almost 300 extra people.  My hands still stink like rubber gloves.  Time to wash them up really well.

So as far as busy goes, when it rains it pours. 

And the weather has been unseasonably wet as well.  It has rained so much this month that we are almost completely out of the drought that was threatening in Sept.

The other part of this rain post is me.  I missed getting to see Ditty and BooBoo sing their songs at the dress rehersal yesterday because I was helping in the kitchen.  AND I missed seeing them perform today because I was helping in the kitchen!  So I was in tears as I left the school today because I help in the kitchen every year for Grandparent’s Day and never get to see them.  The tears keep threatening to return every time I think about it too, so I’m going to sign off for now.  Have a happy and safe Halloween everyone.

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"If you are what you should be you will set the whole world on fire."
St. Catherine of Sienna

I finally understand

"Among those around you, apostolic soul, you are the stone fallen into the lake. With your word and your example, you produce a first circle, and it another, and another, and another, wider each time. Now do you understand the greatness of your mission?" St. Josemarie Escriva: The Way